測試正常 要擺哪裡好呢?

這個電表不錯 但他防水能力不好 短命半年壞了









擺放位置 哪裡好呢?

直到[分享]勁戰液晶表 又 復活了 Again! Repair the Instrument Panel of Yamaha Cygnus motobike才裝回來

[DIY]漏汽油好危險! 汽油幫浦更換油封 Replace the Fuel Pump O-Ring of Yamaha Cygnus motobike
[分享]勁戰液晶表 又 復活了 Again! Repair the Instrument Panel of Yamaha Cygnus motobike
[分享] 買高仿表 請直接淘寶 別找台灣無良賣家 with no guarantee is nothing
[DIY]矽油修好輪胎胎唇漏氣 Fixing an Air Leak on a Tire Bead by silicone oil
電壓表加強防水功能 Waterproof-The-Voltmeter-with-High-Low-voltage-Alarm-of-Yamaha-Cygnus
[分享]競戰用了 LIQUI MOLY Ceratec Oil 氮化硼 陶瓷油精 安靜有力 The Dual protection with Cera Tec of Yamaha Cygnus
[DIY]競戰裝高低壓警報電壓表 Install The Voltmeter with High-Low voltage Alarm of Yamaha Cygnus
[DIY]新噴鵝骨架防鏽 Frame anti-rust of Yamaha Cygnus
[分享]勁戰液晶表復活了 Repair the Instrument Panel of Yamaha Cygnus motobike
[分享]勁戰換了 發電內仁 與 整流器 Repair ACG N Voltage regulator of Yamaha Cygnus motobike
華崗行前準備篇Preparation of The Huagang trip at Nantou
[DIY]命運的安排 宿命的捉弄?換煞車來令片 然後鞋子壞了Change Nissin Brake pad
「分享」競戰2代 裝小寶 Raypower on motorbike
[分享]機車要全時點燈了 你的第二煞車燈 裝了嗎?Second brakelight is necessary on your bike
[DIY]競戰 異種移植 豪邁火星塞蓋 Freeway 125 sprak plug cover of the Cygnus-X
[分享]噴鵝上對四囉 The 4 pistons brake caliper front brake caliper on Yamaha Cygnus motobike
[機車旅遊] 送貨到宜蘭? 北橫北宜一日遊 Northern Cross-Island Highway to Provincial Highway 9 in 1 Day
[試用心得]小綿羊 原廠避震也變Q Raypower test 3 of 3
[DIY]10元 救 免加水電瓶 save a battery only 10NT
[分享]回不去的 RAVENOL 4T Ester 5w-40 全酯類機油RAVENOL Motobike 4-T Ester SAE 5W-40
[旅遊]42耐 42小時 小綿羊環島 GO!!! 補充 國家追焦照一枚 Scootor around Taiwan just only 42hr
[分享] 碟盤變唱盤 只好敗家 換260浮動碟 + 不會滑的油門把手 Upgrade Floating Diskbrake on New Cygnus motobike
[DIY]新競戰換白色避震器 Replace Shock Absorbers for CYGNUS-X 125 MotoBike
[DIY]誰說新噴鵝不能直上7號電瓶 (已經換成TTZ 10S) modify battery box for Yamaha Cygnus
[分享]新噴鵝 改善傳動箱散熱 傳動不再軟 TUNNING CVT COOLING to Yamaha Cygnus x 125
[分享]新噴鵝 脫X秀, 看透透 改善傳動通風 直上110km/hr New Arrive The Yahama Cygnus x 125

這個電表不錯 但他防水能力不好 短命半年壞了


擺放位置 哪裡好呢?

直到[分享]勁戰液晶表 又 復活了 Again! Repair the Instrument Panel of Yamaha Cygnus motobike才裝回來

[DIY]漏汽油好危險! 汽油幫浦更換油封 Replace the Fuel Pump O-Ring of Yamaha Cygnus motobike
[分享]勁戰液晶表 又 復活了 Again! Repair the Instrument Panel of Yamaha Cygnus motobike
[分享] 買高仿表 請直接淘寶 別找台灣無良賣家 with no guarantee is nothing
[DIY]矽油修好輪胎胎唇漏氣 Fixing an Air Leak on a Tire Bead by silicone oil
電壓表加強防水功能 Waterproof-The-Voltmeter-with-High-Low-voltage-Alarm-of-Yamaha-Cygnus
[分享]競戰用了 LIQUI MOLY Ceratec Oil 氮化硼 陶瓷油精 安靜有力 The Dual protection with Cera Tec of Yamaha Cygnus
[DIY]競戰裝高低壓警報電壓表 Install The Voltmeter with High-Low voltage Alarm of Yamaha Cygnus
[DIY]新噴鵝骨架防鏽 Frame anti-rust of Yamaha Cygnus
[分享]勁戰液晶表復活了 Repair the Instrument Panel of Yamaha Cygnus motobike
[分享]勁戰換了 發電內仁 與 整流器 Repair ACG N Voltage regulator of Yamaha Cygnus motobike
華崗行前準備篇Preparation of The Huagang trip at Nantou
[DIY]命運的安排 宿命的捉弄?換煞車來令片 然後鞋子壞了Change Nissin Brake pad
「分享」競戰2代 裝小寶 Raypower on motorbike
[分享]機車要全時點燈了 你的第二煞車燈 裝了嗎?Second brakelight is necessary on your bike
[DIY]競戰 異種移植 豪邁火星塞蓋 Freeway 125 sprak plug cover of the Cygnus-X
[分享]噴鵝上對四囉 The 4 pistons brake caliper front brake caliper on Yamaha Cygnus motobike
[機車旅遊] 送貨到宜蘭? 北橫北宜一日遊 Northern Cross-Island Highway to Provincial Highway 9 in 1 Day
[試用心得]小綿羊 原廠避震也變Q Raypower test 3 of 3
[DIY]10元 救 免加水電瓶 save a battery only 10NT
[分享]回不去的 RAVENOL 4T Ester 5w-40 全酯類機油RAVENOL Motobike 4-T Ester SAE 5W-40
[旅遊]42耐 42小時 小綿羊環島 GO!!! 補充 國家追焦照一枚 Scootor around Taiwan just only 42hr
[分享] 碟盤變唱盤 只好敗家 換260浮動碟 + 不會滑的油門把手 Upgrade Floating Diskbrake on New Cygnus motobike
[DIY]新競戰換白色避震器 Replace Shock Absorbers for CYGNUS-X 125 MotoBike
[DIY]誰說新噴鵝不能直上7號電瓶 (已經換成TTZ 10S) modify battery box for Yamaha Cygnus
[分享]新噴鵝 改善傳動箱散熱 傳動不再軟 TUNNING CVT COOLING to Yamaha Cygnus x 125
[分享]新噴鵝 脫X秀, 看透透 改善傳動通風 直上110km/hr New Arrive The Yahama Cygnus x 125