
[分享] 朋友的友誼 高溫防卡劑 bostik NEVER SEEZ REGULAR GRADE

上一集 [DIY]排氣管 不生鏽? 塗這個就對了(看完文章有驚喜) 提到高溫防卡劑, 朋友知道我的需要, 給了我一瓶...

朋友給的--高溫防卡劑 複習一下高溫防卡劑的效用吧! 我就是塗了這樣東東, 可以耐溫1800度F 仔細看, 那是華氏溫度, 攝氏溫度嗎? 我把理化學老師請出來好了,攝氏= (華氏-32)*5/9 982.2度c = (1800-32)*5/9 機車的排氣管, 900度C應該夠吧?

照片來源:www.bostik-us.com 好啦!英文很破的我只知道 耐極壓潤滑配方,成分裡面有, 銅 ,石墨, 鋁,及其他成份(祖傳秘方?)可以保護金屬不會生鏽, 腐蝕,且耐溫1800度F.. 就算是高溫,高壓及腐蝕環境下,在特殊GREASE裡細微的金屬粉墨與石墨微粒,仍可以保護零件. 適用的地方? 自己看吧...翻譯好累啊! 部分介紹如下:
資料來源:www.bostik-us.com REGULAR GRADE The "original" anti-seize compound and extreme pressure lubricant formulated with copper, graphite, aluminum and other ingredients to protect metal parts against rust, corrosion and seizure up to 1800ºF. Fine metallic and graphite particles in special grease protect parts even in high heat, high pressure and corrosive environments. Ford ESE-M12A4-A, Garrett Engine Div. PCS5724, Pratt & Whitney PWA 360523-2 and tested to MIL-A-907. DATA SHEET FISCHE TÉCNICA (PORTUGUESE) Product Applications: * Nuts, bolts, screws * Pipe fittings * Boom guides * Valve assemblies * Pump mountings * Chain drives * Shafts * Gaskets * Press fit assemblies * Taps and drills * Packaging glands * Metal fittings * Machinery ----------資料結束---------------------



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9/17 2137 跑了200KM,充電又回到87% 咦! 超過原廠的85%充電率了 (重點: 沒有去外面刷設定)